Barrier Beach Civic Association Constitution and Bylaws
Article I - Name
This organization will be known as the Barrier Beach Civic Association.
Article II - Purpose
The purpose of this non-partisan association is to promote the common welfare and quality of life of the residents of the member barrier beaches by:
Keeping barrier beach residents informed about local, county, state or national issues that may affect them and generally fostering a strong sense of community among residents.
Working with environmental groups who share similar goals and interests to enhance and maintain the natural beauty of the barrier beaches.
Developing a cooperative relationship and ongoing communication with Town Board and Commissioners of the Town of Babylon and with other governmental agencies and departments involved in matters pertaining to the barrier beaches.
Joining with other civic groups to contribute to solving those problems of mutual concern.
The BBCA’s net earnings will be devoted only to charitable, educational or recreational purposes. In addition, no part of the OBCA’s net earnings will benefit any private shareholder or individual.
Article III – Membership
Every leasehold of Oak Island Beach, Oak Island Beach Association, Oak Island (Great South Bay Isles Assoc), Captree Island, Gilgo and West Gilgo Beach Association will be eligible to be a member of this association. Each leasehold will have one vote. Interested renters at the barrier beaches may become non-voting associate members.
Article IV – Dues
The fiscal year of the Association will be from July 1 to June 30. The amount of the annual dues for members and non-voting associates will be $30.00 per leasehold. Dues will be payable on or before the summer meeting. The amount of the dues may be changed at the summer meeting by a majority vote. Only leaseholds that are current with their membership dues will be eligible to vote.
Article V – Meetings
The Association will hold two yearly meetings of the entire membership. The summer meeting will be held on the second Friday in July of each year at 7:30 p.m. The winter meeting will be held on the second Saturday in January at 10 a.m. Additional meetings may be held at the discretion of the President or a majority of the Executive Board. Ten leaseholds of the Association may call a meeting provided they give all the members two weeks’ written notification. All Association membership meetings will be conducted according to Parliamentary procedure. The President, at his or her discretion, may appoint a Parliamentarian for the meeting.
Twenty percent of the leasehold members will constitute a quorum for the transaction of any business requiring a vote at a meeting of the membership.
Article VI – Officers
The officers of the Association will be President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. No person will occupy more than one office at the same time. The officers will be elected for a two-year term at the summer meeting during the election year.
The President will preside at all meetings of the Association and designate the times and place for meetings. The President will appoint the chairpersons of all standing committees annually and designate other committees as needed. Only the President or his designated agent will represent the Association in person or in writing.
The Vice President will preside in the absence of the President. In the event of the death, disability or resignation of the President, the Vice President will perform all the functions of the President for the duration of the unexpired term.
The Treasurer will receive all dues for membership and all other moneys of the Association and deposit same in the name of the Association. The Treasurer, with the approval of two other officers, will choose the bank to be used for the Association account. Checks may be signed by either the Treasurer or the President. The Treasurer will report on receipts and disbursements at regular monthly Board meetings. At the summer meeting, the Treasurer will present to the membership a written report of income, expenses for the year and the current balance of funds in all accounts.
The Secretary will keep the minutes at all general membership and Board meetings, conduct all general correspondence of the Association and have charge of all records, reports and documents of the Association. There should be a duplicate copy or backup disk of all important papers kept in a separate location, with a cover sheet listing the availability of these records.
Any vacancy in the office other than that of President will be filled by appointment by the remaining officers and the person so appointed will serve for the unexpired term of the officer replaced.
Article VII – Executive Board
The Executive Board will consist of the officers and the chairpersons of the standing committees. The past president will be invited to attend the meetings as a non-voting member. They will meet at least 6 times a year. They are responsible for conducting the business of the Association and doing whatever is necessary to achieve the stated goals of the Association.
Article VIII – Standing Committees
There will be five standing committees whose members will be appointed by their Chairperson. Every attempt will be made to recruit members representing a cross-section of the barrier beach communities.
The Membership Committee will actively recruit members throughout the barrier beaches. In addition they will develop a handbook which will contain a listing of all members and other information pertinent to life at the beach.
The Social Committee will plan, organize and publicize all social events.
The Beach Improvement Committee will identify and address any issues that may better enhance and maintain the quality of life at the beach. These issues may include, but not be limited to, public health and safety concerns, beautification and conservation efforts.
The Community Welfare Committee will organize a neighborly network to welcome new members. This committee might check on the homebound, organize CR programs and develop plans for emergencies.
The Community Representative Committee will identify issues of importance to individual communities as well as the beach communities as a whole, and facilitate communication concerning these issues among the communities, the Executive Board and the general membership. It will consist of one representative and one alternate from each community, chosen by community members and in consultation with the President. They will elect their own Chairman.
Article IX – Elections
In an election year, the Executive Board will appoint a Nominating Committee consisting of a chairperson and four other members representing a cross-section of the barrier beaches. This Committee will be announced at the winter meeting of an election year. By Memorial Day the Nominating Committee will present to the Executive Committee, in writing, the name of one candidate for each office.
The Secretary will notify the membership in writing of the proposed slate of officers at least two weeks prior to the summer meeting. Additional nominations may be made from the floor at the meeting. Election will be by paper ballot unless there is an unopposed slate of officers in which case the Secretary will cast one vote for the entire slate. Each officer will serve for two years beginning the day of his or her election and continue to serve until his or her successor will be duly elected.
Article X - By-Law Changes
These by-laws may be changed at any membership meeting of the Association by a two-thirds vote of the members present, provided there is a quorum. By-law changes can be proposed by the Executive Board or upon written request of any five leasehold members of the Association. Any proposed By-law change needs to be submitted to the Secretary at least one month prior to the membership meeting. The Secretary will notify the membership in writing of any proposed revisions to the By-laws at least two weeks prior to the meeting.
Article XI - Proxy Voting
Should the Board of Directors determine that there is an issue which requires all members to make a decision; the President is authorized to mail to those members who are away, a proxy ballot together with all necessary information on the particular issue. The completed proxy ballot must be returned to the President and those votes will be tabulated and incorporated into the final vote at a meeting of the Executive Board.
Article XII - Dismissal of a Member
A member may be dismissed for good cause provided he/she is first: (1) warned in writing of the offending behavior and given the opportunity to change it; and (2) invited to attend a board meeting to present his/her side.
If the member continues in violation of the By-laws, the issue will be presented to the general membership. After a vote of approval by 75% of the membership he/she will be dismissed from the Association and will not be eligible for membership for two years.
Article XIII - Dissolution of the Association
The Barrier Beach Civic Association may be dissolved by an affirmative vote by 75% of the members. Both the proposal and the response must be in writing and the results tabulated at a meeting of the Board of Directors.
Should the organization be disbanded, the money from any special assessment, such as a legal fund, will be divided evenly among the contributors. All other moneys and property will be donated to a local project or charity to be decided by the Board of Directors.
Article XIV – Expense Disbursements
A single signature from either the President or Treasurer will be required for expenditures up to $500. Both signatures will be required for expenditures from $500 - $1500. Both signatures along with Executive Board approval are required for any expenditure over $1500.
In the summer of 1995, after his election as President, Donald Anselona requested that a By-laws Committee be formed to revise the Oak Beach Civic Association’s By-laws in an attempt to make them more relevant to current situations and to avoid Association misunderstandings that had arisen in the past.
The committee, chaired by Peggy Spirakis, consisted of Dick Coons, Dot Forget, Barbara Hackett, Gale Haines, Jed Meade and Patricia Schwenker. The Committee met for approximately 25 hours from September 1995 through April 1996 and debated every aspect of the document. The goal was simplicity; to include every possible situation with enough flexibility to deal with differences.
In May 1996 the revised By-laws were sent to every current member of the Oak Beach Civic Association for review and comment prior to the July 1996 Summer Meeting of the Association members. At this meeting on Friday, July 12, 1996, with a quorum present, the By-laws were approved by the members with one change; making the past president a non-voting member of the Executive Board.
At the 2006 Summer Meeting, with a quorum in attendance, Article II – Purpose was amended to include the following language: “The OBCA’s net earnings will be devoted only to charitable, educational or recreational purposes. In addition, no part of the OBCA’s net earnings will benefit any private shareholder or individual” and Article VII – Executive Board was amended to exclude the following language: “They can authorize the expenditure of up to $500 for any one purpose without the approval of the Association at large.”
Additionally, at that same meeting a new Article XIV – Expense Disbursements was added with the following language: “A single signature from either the President or Treasurer will be required for expenditures up to $500. Both signatures will be required for expenditures from $500-$1500. Both signatures along with Executive Board approval are required for any expenditure over $1500.”
At the 2007 Summer Meeting, with a quorum present, a majority vote was made to increase the annual dues for the first time ever from $15.00 to $30.00 per leasehold.
At the 2015 Summer Meeting, with a quorum present in person or by proxy, a two-thirds majority voted to approve amendments converting the Oak Beach Civic Association to the Barrier Beach Civic Association.