Fire Prevention
We living a fragile environment and are a distance from the nearest fire station. Fire prevention cannot be overemphasized.
NO fireworks or firecrackers are permitted. NO beach fires. NO burning of trash.
In case of fire or other emergency, dial 911. For Police Emergency, dial 911 and ask for Suffolk Marine Police.
Please review this helpful fire safety checklist:
1) If you have any kind of E-bike, scooter, board etc., do NOT leave it charging while unattended. Consider what you store it near while not in use. Is it near a gas can or any other kind of combustible?
2) When's the last time you cleaned your dryer vent?
3) Is your current or spare propane BBQ bottle tightly closed and away from the house? Is your grill pan clean from excess grease?
4) Are your smoke detectors up to date and tested?
5) Is your chimney cleaned seasonally?
6) Do you have a hose connected to and ready for use, even in winter? The hose should reach around the entire house.
7) Do you have adequate fire extinguishers that everyone knows how to operate?
8) If you winterize your house and retreat for the winter, have you unplugged all but essential plugs?
9) If you have not already done so, please take a moment to update your Fire Safety Form. All information is confidential and will be shared directly with Babylon Central Fire Alarm.